Monday, May 22, 2006

A big zero

$80,000 up for grabs in three tournaments and I can't get a single $. Not for the want of trying, It would be a little helpful to at least have a few hands to be able to play. All three went the same way, take the $10k as an example. I have just been knocked out 47th I think. After two breaks and 2 1/2 hrs of waiting 120 hands 9 won. Had only a few hands worth noting, AQo layed down to an allin pre flop raise. Good call K flush won. QQ, JJ both won small pots with 1 BB raise after the flop. 99 flopped AA9 but river and turn were 5's luckly no one had an A. Finally the last hand 99 preflop allin only 1700 left, 1caller AQs pair 77's flop turn no help to either then of course the river is an A. Oh what a surprise.
Time to try and learn a little more to help improve my game before I get too disenchanted. All the fuss and build up to the B'day tourny only to be let down by having to just sit and watch your stack dwindle away........
Suppose there's always the 2nd B'day only 364 days to go

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